learning n.
1. the acquiring of knowledge or skill 2. acquired knowledge or skill
development n.
1. developing or being developed. 2. a stage in growth, advancement. 3. An event or happening – devel´opmen’tal (-men’t’l) adj.
RWA offer bespoke learning and development programmes based around high performance teamwork, effective leadership, time management and change models. Working with a range of associates, we are able to design and deliver programmes from basic half day to full three day residential and non-residential programmes featuring both desk based and experiential offerings.
RWA frequently call upon a wide range of experienced speakers, teachers and practitioners to assist in these programmes dependent upon finalised programme content. Each programme is specifically designed and built to a clients requirements and further details can be obtained by using the contact form on this website.
At RWA we are acutely aware of the need to chose the correct speaker for your event. Please contact us if you require our a copy of our comprehensive speaker/compere guidelines document.
Our recent event was a great day and I really appreciated your support and expertise. Your inputs and those of your colleagues made the day perfect. The staff thought the entire day was excellent and I don’t think most had experienced anything like this before. Thank you so much.
John Whitehouse, Director First Choice Catering Spares Ltd
Richard West Associates
Mobile +44 (0)7770 722917